Limited edition of Dakota keyrings only 20 in circulation. These keyrings were taken up in a paratroopers uniform and jumped with him during the D Day memorial flight. All keyrings are numbered as 20/20 for example
Genuine Dakota Key Ring. This unique and limited edition key ring is made from part of an original wing skin which was removed from our WW2 RAF Douglas Dakota KG651 during repair and restoration work at Metheringham Airfield. It is the perfect gift and Christmas stocking filler for any aviation enthusiast. It is supplied in a presentation box along with a certificate of authenticity from our Chief Engineer. Stocks are limited as once the panel has been used there will be no more available so grab a piece of aviation history while it lasts. All proceeds go towards preserving our C47 Dakota, hanger associated artefacts including those intended to go into the hanger for future displays. Contents: 1 Keyring + Postage Shipping is to UK only